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Monday, August 29, 2011

Color Shifting Pigments (Part 2)

Please refer to All Chameleon Pigment Suppliers for the latest info, options and prices.

Eventually I'll get to duochrome cosmetic pigments but for today I'm continuing with automotive paint.

The Alsa Corporation, manufacturer of paints, flakes and pigments, sell products from their site that can be found nowhere else. Although this means there is no price comparison on a few items, the prices really aren't so bad.

One of the things Alsa sells is "Flop Crystals", available in 4 colors: Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. They range in particle size from 1 micron to 300 microns. 2 oz jars are $155.00, $2.77/gram.

Another of their products, SpectraFX, is sold in two colors, Copper/Patina & Blue/Emerald, each available in small and large particle size. Added since this entry are several other colors, San Juan, Havana, Rio and Cabos.
16 gram jars (slightly over 1/2 ounce) are $115, $7.18/gram.       
32 grams jars (slightly over 1 ounce) are $180, $5.63/gram.

Kustom Rides sells SpectraFX as well but in varying quantities. No particle size is mentioned.
2 grams, $19.95 = $9.98/gram  
4 grams, $35.00 = $8.75/gram  
8 grams, $60.00 = $7.50/gram  
16 grams, $110.00 = $6.88/gram        
32 grams, $175.00 = $5.47/gram        
As of 12/11/13, product cannot be located on their site.
I mentioned TCP Global in a prior entry because of their Micro Prizm flakes but their inventory is extensive. Located in the Kustom Shop, TCP has their own line of color shifting powders, 2 sets of "Pearls" that are quite reasonably priced.

The first set is simply called "Color Shifting Pearls" and features 5 colors: Red to Gold, Purple to Green, Blue to Red, Green to Orange and Gold to Blue. They are sold in 1/2 oz., 1 oz., and 2 oz. packages and also in sets of the same sizes. No particle size listed.
1/2 oz. is $14.95, $1.08/gram
1 oz. is $24.95, $0.89/gram
2 oz. is $39.95, $.71/gram
5 color sets in 1/2 oz is $74.75
5 color sets in 1 oz. is $124.75
5 color sets in 2 oz. is $199.75

The second line from the Kustom Shop is called "Rev-illusion Special Effect Pearls", also sold in 5 colors. They have them listed on their website as:
Sapphire Blue / Purple Color Shift
Nitro Blue / Nitro Green Color Shift
Extreme Green / Xtreme Gold Color Shift
Maple Orange / Lime Green Color Shift
Cobalt Rage / Tropical Turquoise Color Shift

They are sold in 1/2 oz., 1 oz., and 2 oz. packages and in 1/2 oz or 1 oz sets of all 5 colors. No particle size listed.
1/2 oz. is $64.95, $4.64/gram
1 oz. is $114.95, $4.11/gram
2 oz. is $214.95, $3.84/gram
5 color sets in 1/2 oz is $299.25
5 color sets in 1 oz. is $524.75

Eventually, TCP Global will also sell a "color shifting flake" although this is not current stock and there is no estimated arrival time. I imagine this to be similar to Old School Flake's Ghost Flakes (or Innate's Magic Flake which OSF).
Description: Kustom Shops Color Shifting Flake (CSF) produce a dramatic color shifting effect that changes in dramatic fashion at every angle viewed. The effect of Color Shifting Flake is intensified by the size of the shifting flake particles. While being a large flake requiring a 1.8 or 2.2 Gun tip, they lay down extremely smooth for their size and require much less clearcoat to flow out and level. They are best used over a black or dark base color for maximum effect. But because of their transparent nature they can also be sprayed over any color base to produce color never seen before.

The Coating Store is the only store online to sell the KonFusion brand of kameleon/chameleon pigments that Kitties26 used to make her wonderful color morphing frankens. Available in 3 colors, Gold to Green, Copper Red to Green and Emerald Green to Viola Blue and sold in either 1/2 oz. or 2 oz quantities. Average 90 microns.
1/2 oz. is $44.99, $3.21/gram
2 oz. is $169.99, $3.04/gram
As of 12/11/13, product cannot be located on their site.

Paint with Pearl sells Chameleon Paint in 6 colors, in 25 gram quantities.
The colors are: Lemon Lime, Blue to Purple, Green to Purple, Blue to Green, Gold to Green and Gold to Green to Blue. No particle size is mentioned for any of them. All colors sell for $19.99, $.80/gram.

Since the date of this entry, other colors have been added to their inventory but they are priced quite a bit higher, $50.00 for 25 grams. These are found on the same page as the original ones I noted, listed first.

Riley's Rods actually sells pigment for, you guessed it, fishing lures but they also happen to sell "Color Change Paints" in six colors, Green to Gold, Green to Light Green, Green to Purple, Blue to Green, Brown to Green and Blue to Purple. Sold in 1/4 jars, 5 grams of powder for $9.00. 

The final store I have for you is Pearl Magic Custom Paints, the only one on this list that is located in Australia. They sell 3 chameleon colors, Green-Gold and Yellow-Green, particle size unknown.
25 gram package is $16.50, $.66/gram.
100 gram package is $39.95, $.40/gram.

Newly discovered as a source of "chameleon pigments" is Solar Color Dust. I knew about the company already because they sell temperature responsive pigments but their inventory has expanded since my last visit to the site. Now they have a range of color shifting pigments, all priced the same at 10 grams for $15.00.
6 pigments shift to 4 different colors and are listed as "The Four Color Series" but at the moment, 4 of these are out of stock.
The "Two Color Series" have 12 pigments and all of these are in stock.
Three colors are listed as "Fantasy Chameleon" and in stock.

Another source is Didspade Metal Flake Co. This brand of pigments can be found on eBay in North America but none of the sellers have a lot of feedback and each has negative so their rating is low. You can buy from Didspade themselves and at the same price so that's the link I'm using here. They have many Chameleon colors, 14 to be exact and they sell 6 gram sample sizes for $14.99. 25 grams are available for $44.99

There is a company I stumbled upon during a Google search this afternoon, Spectraflair4u, that sells ChromaFlair pigments and SpectraFlair pre-dispersed and concentrated in suspension base. Price varies by quantity.


Related Entries:


  1. The KonFusion brand pigments are actually the Helicone Brand pigments by LCP. These will not be available to anyone but the Security Industry. LCP sells these for a third of the price. However, will probably rise after next year.

  2. Thank you for the information and for dropping by.

  3. I bought from didspade once from their site, been looking for that unicorn pigment of copper red to green. Tried a red/orange to green one but it wasn't "the one." They shipped really fast.

    1. I haven't ordered from Didspade but I thought about it, deterred by the fact that sellers of Didspade on ebay have less than stellar feedback. I also find the pictures of their chameleons totally lacking and no swatches online although that's not unusual for automotive pigments- which is why I share mine. Like you, I've looked for an orange/red/green like the blog MoreNailPolish once featured and been kicking myself ever since for not buying some of the pigment she sold, particularly since that brand isn't sold in dry form anymore. No luck yet though if I had the big bucks to spend, I could probably find it elsewhere. Good to know they ship fast.

  4. Hi Melanie I have a question for you. Can you please email me at I know this is a long shit but I'm trying.

  5. Replies
    1. My email wouldn't go through to you but I'll still try to help you if you needed it it. I make no promises but I will try.

    2. Thanks love.


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