The Reference Library

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seasonal Changes

The color scheme here changed as the season changed but I'm not ready to let go of greens and embrace dead browns and yellows. As much as I love Kentucky during the fall, this year's leaves-color change happened too rapidly and the weather hasn't been nearly sunny enough.  Gloomy days contribute to my moody days and all the rain killed off the pretty leaves. Bah.

I've decided to take a break for a while from franken polish making, researching and all the other endless tasks that go along with it. It's been two years, I've been doing polish related work nearly every day since the beginning and I am burnt out. Somewhere along the way it stopped being fun and exciting or inspiring. When I started this blog, I was eager to share what I learned and I wanted very sincerely to inspire creativity in other people; I wanted women to see this was fun and that anyone could do it, you didn't have to be an artist or a polish aficionado or even know a whole lot about makeup. Maybe that sounded like a lofty goal but I've loved art my entire life and this was just another form I wanted to share. But if I'm not inspired, I don't know how I can possibly do that.

I put all my stuff away yesterday, polish, pigments, glitter, supplies, swatches and all the rest and while it was a little sad, it will free up more time and money for that other major passion in my life, music. I sacrificed a lot of potential music to buy polish supplies, forgot all about who released a new CD, who was worth listening to that was new, until I'm two years behind. It was time to make a choice and music won.

I have a small backlog of entries to post and I will keep up with questions/comments, followers and the like. In the meantime, enjoy your holidays- it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas before you know it. -MK


  1. Oh no! I just gave you a blog award on my blog!! LOL
    You will be missed!! Keep us updated from time to time if you can and let us know if you make any head way into the flakie mystery!
    Thanks for all the valuable information you have provided!

  2. Lol, how ironic. My timing always was impeccable. I appreciate the award, I'll get to responding tomorrow, it's music tonight.

    I'm not gone forever, just a while. Thanks for caring and/or noticing depending upon how you want to look at it.

    I did do more research, compared ingredients on several well known flakies, I'm still not entirely sure. The most likely suspect, the ones 3 out of 5 had in common was mica, titanium dioxide and bismuth oxychloride. Finding a source of titanium dioxide coated mica is another matter. I found one, somewhere in Asia but I'm not in the market for a kiloton of flakes.

  3. Enjoy the break MK. Your efforts with researching flakes and bleeders has helped and inspired me. Don't stay away too long.

  4. Yes, you will def be missed! I am so grateful to you for all the time, energy, and $ you have put into polish research! I refer to your work all the time when I'm frankening. Waaahhh! Sniff, sniff. Have a wonderfully musical sabbatical though. I will still keep your blog in my top 10.

  5. Awww! But you're right, if it's not fun anymore, you should take a break. Enjoy your music!

  6. Take all the time you need knowing you will truly be missed. There's enough stuff here (I'm new to your blog), that it'll take me the holidays to read/use it all-LOL! Go where your passion is, and we hope to be hearing from you soon. Happy Holidays!!!

  7. Enjoy the break. If it feels like work, you need the time off from it. Once you have followers, you can start to feel pressure to keep posting. I sometimes want to wear a color I just like, but feel the need to wear something I haven't blogged about. Just post when your heart is into it.

  8. I just found your blog and it's so helpful, Trying to find the right solvent resistant glitter is such a pain. I hope you enjoy your time away.

  9. That's why I started going the automotive route. And I have been enjoying it when I'm home, thank you.

  10. Hey MK, take the break and enjoy your other hobbies! I'll definitely miss reading your blog, you've been a gold mine of information! And if you need someone in Asia to help with that kiloton of flakies, I'm in Singapore, and if that company happens to be Hong Kong or Chinese, I do speak Chinese so I can try to help you bargain!

  11. Go check it out for yourself and tell me what you think.


Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog- and for leaving a comment if you do. Some get away from me but I try to respond to every one.