The Reference Library

Friday, April 20, 2012

Suspension Base & Other News -Update

Links checked 12/12/13
Don't forget to check Suspension Base Suppliers & Notes for all possible sources.

Along with life's normal duties, I've been so busy working on sample swatches for my franken book that I haven't been paying much attention to my emails, comments, other entries and interesting developments- my apologies. It feels like all I've done for days is photograph, batch process files, crop, edit and create swatches but I'm still not satisfied. Ok, I really have done all that for days but thankfully, while my head is somewhere else, my readers have been keeping me updated with the afore-mentioned comments. Once I get this entry completed, I'll begin addressing my backlog of email & comments.

TKB Trading's position on their own suspension base hasn't changed from what I posted last but it seems that enough people were pissed off about it, that several other companies have decided to become suspension base suppliers as well.

Bitterly Bitter also informed me that both Diamond Cosmetics and Nailite Inc have suspension base for sale or will. Diamond Cosmetics is selling 30 gallon drums or something like that and they expect theirs to ship at the end of May but there's nothing on the website that I see regarding it. Nailite doesn't have anything on their website either that I can find to add to the news about their's.

A.Fae, comment left below, has given us some further detailed information about Diamond Cosmetics suspension base.

"Here is the information I have from Diamond Cosmetics:
The minimum order is 30 gallons. But if you order less than that (only in multiples of 5 gallons; let's say 10, 15, 25 gallons...), then there's a surcharge as follows:

For orders of 20-25 gallons, the surcharge is $10.00/gallon
For orders of 10-15 gallons, the surcharge is $20.00/gallon

Glitter suspension base (for polishes with glitter) $38.17 /per gallon
Clear suspension base (for creams/heavy micas) $45.67 /per gallon
Pearl suspension base (for frosted/pearly shades) $63.59 / per gallon

All you need to do is email Angela with your order and she will write it up and send you a credit card authorization form. We require 50% deposit with all orders. To order, you can email Angela Draper at

For more updates/information, interested readers can check out the Facebook group we have created to discuss the shortage: TheGreatLacquerBaseHunt

I am starting to hear back from a few other companies so I will try to comment here when I get more pricing, lead time, and shipping information."

Thank you A.Fae for taking the time to bring all of us up to speed.


TKB Trading is now selling a line of glitters called "Shaplies" that they say they will be slowly expanding. What's currently available are glitters in solid white, solid black and gold- those of you with a yen for Lynnderella's Connect the Dots should appreciate that. The shapes (and particle sizes) are Square 0.025, Square 0.125, Square 0.062, White Hex 0.040, White Hex 0.062, Diamond & Fiber (also known as tinsel or bar glitter). Samples, 2.5 grams, are $1.50. 1 ounce is $3.25 and 4 ounces are $11.50.

If I come across anything else noteworthy later, I'll update this. -MK


  1. Replies
    1. And thank you for reading my blog, always appreciated =)

  2. Thank you so much for this amazing information.
    Greetings from Brazil.

    1. Thank you to you too. Hope the weather in your part of the world is as nice as it is here in Kentucky.

  3. I'm glad to see other suspension base suppliers popping up, TKB had a monopoly on base for those of us who don't need 30 gallons at a time. Although The Conservatorie is offering base, I'll probably stick to TKB since I do like their customer service.

    I'm hoping overall this will make it easier for everyone to get suspension base. I'm looking forward to trying the shaplies as well!

    1. I'm looking forward to the other coming colors, black and white doesn't do it for me. Just buying the gold doesn't meet the minimum order either.

    2. I actually just got my shipment of all the Shapelies and while I haven't tested them all yet, I can tell you that the white has held up wonderfully. I expect the black and gold to be the same, but I'll obviously test them first. My only criticism is that the small black hex aren't as uniform in shape as they could be, but they're definitely serviceable enough. If you want to sample the gold I can toss some in baggies and send them your way.

  4. I just wanted to say that I've been researching (and purchasing!!) and am ready to start producing suspension base which I'll be making available for sale in small quantities. Sometimes if you want something done you have to do it yourself. When I'm ready I'd love to send you a sample if you'd be interested in testing it out.

    1. I would be interested in knowing when it is available. I've been wanting to get into frankening, but haven been on hold because of the base situation. I would be interested in getting a pint to start (so I can play, but not spend too much money lol). If you would email me with specifics when you are selling that would be great!!

      Thanks!! :)

      And thanks for the update MK!!! :D

    2. I would also be interested in receiving updates about your base. That's awesome that you took it into your own hands, kudos.

      My email is

    3. Allison, you can always keep me in mind for testing, I appreciate the offer. Out of curiosity, if and when you're ready, I'd like to know what you discovered during your research.

    4. Allison, wow that is great to hear that you decided to take up producing a suspension base of your own. That's motivation and dedication!! :) I'm just getting into frankening myself but I'm in Canada and I'm finding it extra hard to find places with suspension base and that will ship to Canada or ship to Canada without spending an arm and a leg on shipping alone. Not sure where you are located or where you are willing to ship to but if you are interested in having a Canadian test out your product and perhaps spread the word in Canada I'd be more than willing to test it out as well. And of course if it's great and the price is good I'd be willing to buy from you as often as necessary as my frankenpolish collection takes off and hopefully I sell more. If you want to discuss anything further please feel free to email me at

    5. Allison,
      Please also let me know when you are ready to sell your base. I want to try out some frankening, but don't really want to purchase 30 gallons! Many thanks =)

    6. Hey ladies! Just checking back and WOW what a great response! I'm noting your e-mails and will be in touch. Thanks!

    7. I'm also very interested. I want to start getting into making my own franken's, but def don't want to commit to spending/having so much, til I get some true beauty's going lol. My e-mail's

      Stacey :)

    8. I'd love to try some as well- I'm also in Canada and am having a hell of a time finding base.

  5. Here is the information I have from Diamond Cosmetics:
    The minimum order is 30 gallons. But if you order less than that (only in multiples of 5 gallons; let's say 10, 15, 25 gallons...), then there's a surcharge as follows:

    For orders of 20-25 gallons, the surcharge is $10.00/gallon
    For orders of 10-15 gallons, the surcharge is $20.00/gallon

    Glitter suspension base (for polishes with glitter) $38.17 /per gallon
    Clear suspension base (for creams/heavy micas) $45.67 /per gallon
    Pearl suspension base (for frosted/pearly shades) $63.59 / per gallon

    All you need to do is email Angela with your order and she will write it up and send you a credit card authorization form. We require 50% deposit with all orders. To order, you can email Angela Draper at

    For more updates/information, interested readers can check out the Facebook group we have created to discuss the shortage:

    I am starting to hear back from a few other companies so I will try to comment here when I get more pricing, lead time, and shipping information.

    1. Thanks for the info, I've posted it above. And for reading my blog of course!

    2. So buying directly from Diamond means that glitter suspension base would essentially only be $58.17 per gallon if one was to buy 10-15 gallons? Even including shipping, that's a hell of a deal. If I didn't live in the desert and had a place to store gallons upon gallons of nail polish base I'd go that route. The huge markup at TKB and even TC doesn't seem worth it.

    3. @Bitterly Butterfly - I'm in a similar situation. Diamond's prices are great, but I live in a 700 square foot apartment and have nowhere to store 5 gallon pails of base. :/ I'll just have to make room somewhere, LOL!

      @MK - Thank you so much for compiling all of this information. It's invaluable for us polish makers who aren't in the loop or able to buy bulk and split it up with others. I was at a loss about how to get base until your blog started listing alternatives.

    4. Ali, check the suspension base supplier page.

  6. I am going to try and place an order with Diamond Cosmetics, and I'll be taking pre-orders. I believe MK is going to post about it later. I don't have the volume for 30 gallons, but if I know I can sell it, I don't mind ordering so much at one time.

  7. Thank you for the updates, looking forward to your book release. : )

  8. I just spoke with Angela at Diamond again. They have 5, 30 and 55 gallon containers. If you order less than 30 gallons of one base, you get 5 gallon pails. Just FYI.


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