The Reference Library

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Duochrome Comparisons Part 1

Links checked 12/12/13

I am long overdue doing a comparison of the duochrome pigments I own and after acquiring samples of the most recent ones from Anna'sArt Asylum, the color spectrum got broader. Included in this are TKB Trading's Moon Dusts, Star Bites and the solitary Red Sparks (the only Sparks with a discernable color shift.). As a recap…

* Anna's 1st set are: #362801, #462805, #22808, #481804, #412604, #412605, #35202, #821502, #35204, #821502
* Anna's 2nd set of pigments are #50, #51, #52, #53, #55, #56, #57, #58, #59
* The Moon Dusts are: Aisha Gold, Crescent Crimson, Luna Blue, Indu Rose, Lavender Luz
* The Star Bites are: Marinda Star, Shanika Sun, Cherika Moon
* Red Sparks! is from TKB Trading's Sparks! Collection

I've taken comparison photos three different times, outside in sunlight, outside in daylight and the third I'm not sure, possibly a combination of indoors/outdoors. At any rate, I've tried to show accurate colors and the color shift to help you decide which ones you "gotta have", which ones you can live without and which ones look like those polishes or pigments you already own.

I think I'll begin with the easiest (translate that as the briefest) colors, the "Green Golds". This includes only 462805 (always left) and 22808 (always right) from Anna's 1st set because these two, while similar to each other, don't look like any of the rest.



Not sure of lighting conditions

The second set I'm going to tackle today are those sort of odd green to blues… and I don't mean "aquas". This color range includes and is in the order of: 35204 and 221501, Shanika Sun of TKB's Star Bites and Aisha Gold from the Moon Dusts.


Another view in the sun.


Not sure of lighting conditions

Part 2 will be posted when I get that far. -MK


  1. Thank you very much for all the wonderful swatches and information you've provided on duochrome pigments! You've been incredibly helpful. :)

    I have a shopping list of pigments in a notepad. I'm eagerly waiting for you to show us the rest of your comparison pics before confirming my list. Thanks again. <3


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