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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Ultra Chameleon Chrome Pigments...

More swatches and comparisons.

I'm back with four Ultra Chameleon Chrome pigments that I bought to round out my collection of Supershift Pearls from Didspade. From Glitter Unique, I have Emerald/Blue/Gold and Copper/Gold/Green. From Spectraflair4u, I have #4 RCGC (Red/Copper/Green/Cyan) and #8 BPCG(Blue/Purple/Copper/Green). Both companies sell these for the same price, $11.50 per dry gram. Didspade's are priced at 5 grams for $34.75. 

Left to right: GU Emerald/Blue/Gold, GU Copper/Gold/Green, Sf4u Red/Copper/Green/Cyan, Sf4u Blue/Purple/Copper/Green

Since this post and my efforts are centered around matching the others to Didspade’s, let’s review the selection. Right now, they sell 11 different Supershifts: InvictusElixirSolisVibeLithiumDoradoZionicWildfireNitron, Ametrine and Atlas. When they were first released, the Supershifts were being sold at a special price for just 1 gram so I bought the first nine; Ametrine and Atlas came out almost a year later and only at the normal price so they are two I don’t have. Not that I didn’t want them but I don’t need 5 grams… and that brings us to Glitter Unique and Spectraflair4u.

Didspade Supershifts
L-R: Invictus, Vibe, Nitron, Solis, Elixir, Lithium, Dorado, Wildfire & Zionic

Both Glitter Unique and Spectraflair4u sell UCC pigments under a slightly different name, Ultra Chameleon Chrome and Ultra Chrome Chameleon respectively, but [most of] the color names/descriptions and pictures don’t match each other, let alone match up to Didspade’s. I spent two weeks putting their speed shapes and car photos up against store photos of nails and polish bottles, even using my own nail pics of Didspade’s pigments. The goal was to add to color spectrum without buying duplicate colors and I was partly successful.

At the bottom of this post are my conclusions which, if interested, you can check out but I'm going to move on to the individual pictures and comparisons.

Glitter Unique Emerald/Blue/Gold

Glitter Unique Copper/Gold/Green

Spectraflair4u #4 Red/Copper/Green/Cyan

Spectraflair4u #8 Blue/Purple/Copper/Green

No, that's not your imagination, Sf4u's Red/Copper/Green/Cyan, the one I thought might be a match for Didspade's Ametrine, is nearly identical to GU's Copper/Gold/Green. 

Here they are side by side again and from another angle. In both, Copper/Gold/Green is on the left, Red/Copper/Green/Cyan on the right. Sorry, I have six cats, random hairs end up everywhere.

Based on the store pictures alone, I didn't think they looked much alike. Here's how they stack up against Didspade's Wildfire and Zionic, captured in three shots to show the changing angle. 

L-R: Wildfire, Copper/Gold/Green, Red/Copper/Green/Cyan, Zionic.

So technically they aren't duplicates and they do fill out the color spectrum somewhat.

Glitter Unique's Emerald/Blue/Gold very well could be a match to Didspade's Atlas and it too compliments the others nicely. Here Emerald/Blue/Gold is shown next to Didspade's Dorado and Lithium.

Spectraflair4u's #8 Blue/Purple/Copper/Green, perhaps unsurprisingly, fits right in with the five Supershifts Invictus, Elixir, Solis, Vibe and Nitron. The color shift is so close it's hard for me to decide where it would come in the color order but Blue/Purple/Copper/Green is most similar to Elixir.

L-R: Solis, Nitron, Invictus, #8 Blue/Purple/Copper/Green, Elixir and Vibe.

L-R: Solis, Nitron, Invictus, #8 Blue/Purple/Copper/Green

L-R: Invictus, #8 Blue/Purple/Copper/Green, Elixir and Vibe

That's all my pictures. I'm satisfied, enough, that I've rounded out the spectrum from the choices available. My next project will be attempting to create something new from the existing ones.

The best color order I could put them in is:
Sf4u Red/Copper/Green/Cyan
GU Copper/Gold/Green
GU Emerald/Blue/Gold
Sf4u Blue/Purple/Copper/Green

Now if you're still with me by this point, below are the pigments available from Glitter Unique and Spectraflair4u- and how they might match up to Didspade's. I'd read on someone else's blog (and someone else's comment) that there were color matches between the companies so I tried to match them up.

Glitter Unique

GBVR #1...Green/Blue/Violet/Red
CBPC #2...Cyan/Blue/Purple/Copper
PVRC #3...Pink/Violet/Red/Copper
VROG #6...Violet/Red/Orange/Gold
BPCM #9...Blue/Purple/Copper/Magenta
RCGC #4...Red/Copper/Green/Cyan
WRCG #5...Wine Red/Copper/Gold
GG #7...Gold/Green
BPCG #8...Blue/Purple/Copper/Green
APCB #10...Aqua/Purple/Copper/Blue
ROGG #11...Red/Orange/Gold/Green
GPP #12...Green/Pink/Purple

None of these are confirmed but here are my guesses:
-Invictus may match up to: GU’s Green/Blue/Violet/Red & Sf4u’s #1 GBVR (Green/Blue/Violet/Red)
-Elixir may match up to: GU’s Cyan/Blue/Purple/Copper & Sf4u’s #2 CBPC (Cyan/Blue/Purple/Copper)
-Solis may match up to: GU’s Blue/Purple/Copper/Magenta & Sf4u’s #9 BPCM (Blue/Purple/Copper/Mag.
-Nitron may match up to: GU’s Violet/Red/Orange/Gold & Sf4u’s #6 VROG (Violet/Red/Orange/Gold)
-Zionic may match up to: GU’s Pink/Violet/Red/Copper & Sf4u’s #3 PVRC (Pink/Violet/Red/Copper)
-Vibe may match up to: Sf4u’s #10 APCB (Aqua/Purple/Copper/Blue). I feel a bit uncertain about pairing #10 to Vibe but the remaining pigments are less likely. GU doesn’t have a possible match.
-Lithium may match up to: GU’s Green/Silver/Fuchsia & Sf4u’s #12 GPP (Green/Pink/Purple).
-Dorado may match up to: Sf4u’s #7 GG (Gold/Green). I do not believe GU has a match.     
-Wildfire may match up to: GU’s Red/Bronze/Copper. Possibly Sf4u’s #11 ROGG (Red/Orange/Gold/Green)
-Atlas may match up to: GU’s Emerald/Blue/Gold. I bought this one and it seems likely to match. Sf4u doesn’t have a likely match.
-Ametrine may match up to: Sf4u’s #4 RCGC (Red/Copper/Green/Cyan) or #5 WRCG (Wine Red/Copper/Gold). I guessed and bought #4, still not sure if I was right. GU doesn’t have a likely match.

Leaving these un-matched:
GU’s Copper/Gold/Green: I bought it. It doesn’t match a Supershift, and doesn’t appear to match any Spectraflair4u pigment exactly.
Sf4u’s #8 BPCG (Blue/Purple/Copper/Green): I bought it. It is in the same color range as Didspade’s Invictus, Elixir, Solis, Vibe and Nitron but doesn’t match exactly. Based on pictures, it doesn’t appear to match up to any of Glitter Unique’s pigments.

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