The Reference Library

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas and a mini update!

Well, we made it through another year, Ladies. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! May your nail polish shine and your nails not break =)

I could tell you the highlights of my 2018 but I suspect it wouldn't be all that interesting. In summary, my dad, cats, home, kids (now 19 and 21), various crafts and more artsy stuff. The one notable accomplishment was I have completed reading The Bible all the way through once (and that's not bragging because it took me years to do it).

So, your mini update from me is mini indeed. Although making nail polish isn't MY hobby anymore, others still use my blog for reference and as such, it is in need of update, at the least dead links removed and others fixed when possible. I will be very slowly working my way through the pages and then hopefully the posts themselves but it will be a long process as "free" time is limited. Today I am starting with the Suspension Base Suppliers page.

Main store links verified 12/25/18
Suspension Base Suppliers
Franken Polish Supply Stores
Chameleon Pigment Suppliers
Automotive Suppliers
Pigment Suppliers
Glitter Suppliers
Fingernail Polish Retailers

Be good, be safe, enjoy family and friends. -MK