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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Glitter Unique- New Items, Solar Color Dust Sale

This entry will include a couple things but I'm going to start with the news that I am most excited about- a new item from one of my favorite stores, Glitter Unique.

For those of you that follow the Glitter Unique Facebook page, this is not news but since I didn't until yesterday, when I want to know what's new, I go directly to the Glitter Unique website and what did I find recently added to the already amazing inventory? Fantasy Series Effect Flakes and I can't wait to get my hands on some!

There are four flakes listed now- Rainbow, Blue, Pink and Green, all priced the same. A 1 teaspoon sample is $3.00, the 1/2 oz. is $9.50 and the 1 oz. is $17.

The description included on all for has this to say:
Fantasy Effect Flakes distinguish themselves by their extraordinary sparkling effects and glamorous look. Their performance is outstanding in respect to high transparency, maximum sparkle, color purity, exceptional clarity and outstanding luster.
Unlike our other glass flakes which have a frosty/shimmer look to them due to the wide range of particle sizes ranging from a powder to a visible 'flake', the Fantasy Effect Flakes have a particle range form 450-670 microns, creating clean, clear iridescent flakes.

I've never used these flakes but I've got a few of the other effect flakes including the Rainbow Pearl Flakes which are beautiful in color but diminished by their size and I can imagine the larger size of the Fantasy Series lets that color shine through.

Solar Color Dust, the store I purchased my last set of chameleon pigments from, is having a sale, as much as 50% off on selected items. A lot of already affordable glitters are marked down. For the record, not all of the chameleons are included.


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Color Shifting Pigment Stores

Please refer to All Chameleon Pigment Suppliers for the latest info, options and prices.

I'm sure the various resources for duochrome pigments are spread around my blog- as far as where to buy them- but I thought I'd compress that into one place for you. Some of this info was pulled off the following three entries: Color Shifting Pigments (Part 1)Color Shifting Pigments (Part 2)Color Shifting Pigments (Part 3)  but I also have some new stores to add which I'm happy about. -MK

Automotive Suppliers - House of Kolor brand only
One "early" example of automotive pigments used in polish are those Kitties26 of the blog More Nail Polish created with the KonFusion brand- color morphing frankens- where she also mentioned using a HoK kameleon. They are (one of) the highest in price but offer the most variety so we'll start this list with them. They have 3 different types, Kolor Shift flakes, Kameleon Opals and Kameleon Pearls.

Kolor Shift flakes are F size: 1/64th to 1/166th Hex or 396 microns to 153 microns and come in three colors: Green Purple, Blue Red and Gold GreenGenerally sold in 3 oz containers.

Best price is from Coast Airbrush who sells the Kolor Shift Flakes in 1 oz and 3 oz packages.
The one ounce is $39.95 which breaks down to $1.43/gram. The 3 ounce package sells for $171.85 which is $2.05/gram (They show prices in Canadian, Euro and Australian dollars in addition to US currency.)

Second choice based on price is from Smart Shoppers Inc, also sold in 3 ounce containers. $156.50 for 3 ounces which equals $1.86/gram.

House of Kolor's Kameleon Pearls come in 5 colors: Green to Blue, Gold to Green, Copper Red to Green, Sapphire and Aquarius. Particle size is 40 microns or 90 microns depending on what you choose, while package size is usually a 2 ounce jar. For the 2 ounce, your options are:
Smart Shoppers Inc, $258.50 = $4.61/gram.
Coast Airbrush, $304.95 = $/gram. 2 ounces not available and current inventory is only Green to Blue, Gold to Green, Aquarius.

For a smaller quantity it's Coast Airbrush again, 1/2 ounce packages, $84.95 = $6.07/gram.

Moving on, House of Kolor's Kameleon Opals are available in 8 colors: Purple Passion, Maple-Nut, Dorado Dreams, Tequila SunriseHoney BlushShady Green, Burnt Lime and Plum Blue.

Coast Airbrush tops the list because they sell all 8 colors. Pricing these is a bit different as 4 colors are more expensive than the other 4 and sold in different quantities. 1 oz $64.95= $2.32/gram, 6 oz $218.95= $1.30/gram, 1/2 oz $73.95= $5.28/gram, 2 oz $224.05= $4.00/gram
Purple Passion: 1 oz $64.95, 6 oz $218.95
Maple-Nut 1 oz $64.95, 6 oz $218.95
Dorado Dreams 1 oz $64.95, 6 oz $218.95
Tequila Sunrise 1 oz $64.95, 6 oz $218.95
Honey Blush 1/2 oz $73.95, 2 oz $224.05
Burnt Lime 1/2 oz $73.95, 2 oz $224.05
Plum Blue none available
Shady Green 1/2 oz $73.95, 2 oz $224.05

Smart Shoppers Inc is next but they sell only 7 colors (no Honey Blush) in 2 ounce jars.
Purple PassionMaple-NutDorado Dreams and Tequila Sunrise are $187.00, $3.33/gram.
Burnt LimePlum Blue, and Shady Green are $77.00, $1.38/gram.

Automotive Suppliers - All other brands

The Alsa Corporation
The Alsa Corporation is another manufacturer of paints, flakes and pigments and offer some products from their site that can't be found anywhere else. Although this means there is no price comparison on a few items, the prices really aren't terrible.

One of the things Alsa sells is Flop Crystals, available in 4 colors: Jupiter, Mars, Neptune and Saturn. They range in particle size from 1 micron to 300 microns. 2 oz jars are $155.00, $2.77/gram.

Another of their products, SpectraFX, is sold in 6 colors, Copper/Patina, Blue/Emerald, San Juan, Havana, Rio and Cabos, each available in small and large particle size.
16 gram jars (slightly over 1/2 ounce) are $115, $7.18/gram.       
32 grams jars (slightly over 1 ounce) are $180, $5.63/gram.

Kustom Rides
Kustom Rides sells SpectraFX as well but in varying quantities. Copper/Patina, Blue/Emerald, San Juan, Havana, Rio and Cabos. No particle size is mentioned.
16 grams, $110.00 = $6.88/gram        
32 grams, $170.00 = $5.31/gram        

TCP Global
TCP Global has their own line of color shifting powders. The set is simply called "Color Shifting Pearls" and features 5 colors: Red to GoldPurple to Green, Blue to Red, Green to Orange and Gold to Blue. They are sold in 1/2 oz., 1 oz., and 2 oz. packages and also in sets of the same sizes. No particle size listed. These have gone up about $10 or more since my last update. 
1/2 oz. is $24.95, $1.78/gram
1 oz. is $49.96, $1.78/gram
2 oz. is $79.96, $1.43/gram
5 color sets in 1 oz. is $124.75
5 color sets in 2 oz. is $199.75

The Coating Store
The Coating Store is the only store online to sell the KonFusion brand of kameleon/chameleon pigments listed below. KF-01 to KF-05 are 5-50 micron while KF-06 to KF-10 are 50-150 micron pigments. 25 gram bottles, $45.00 = $1.80/gram
KF-01 Nature’s Fury Red-Gold-Copper-Green
KF-02 Storm Surge Purple-Green-Blue-Gold
KF-03 Ocean’s Rip Gold-Green-Blue-Violet
KF-04 Tropical Storm Green-Gold-Red-Teal
KF-05 Toxic Tide Green-Purple-Silver-Gold
KF-06 Mountain Fall Blue-Green-Gold-Copper
KF-07 Hole Shot Gold-Copper-Orange-Red
KF-08 Tokyo Drift Blue-Red-Purple-Green
KF-09 Psychotic Illusions Green-Teal-Blue-Purple
KF-10 Nuclear Gold Gold-Green-Blue-Violet

Paint with Pearl 
Paint with Pearl sells Chameleon Paint in 25 gram quantities for $27.99 = $1.11/gram
Indigo Blue/Gold/Orange/Red, Bluegill match
Gold/Orange/Red, Sahara match
Orange/Violet/Purple, Sockeye match
Red/Blue/Green, Neochrome match
Blue Green
Indigo Blue/Yellow/Gold
Green/Orange Copper, Reptile match
Gold/Red/Blue/Purple, Anthias match
Blue/Green/Purple, GC-27 Alien Pearl match
Gold/Orange/Green/Blue, GT-22 Alien Pearl match
Red/Blue/Purple, RL-71 Alien Pearl match

Innate Technologies
Innate sells Old School Flake brand called "Magic Flakes" in 5 colors. The particle size is large, .008", twice the size of standard cosmetic glitter. They describe them as:
Autumns Rush- A Blast of Bright Fall Colors Fades Gold to Red to Green
Purple Haze- Purple That Fades To A Dazzling Transparent Sparkle!
Rio Carnival- A Rainbow Of Ever Changing Colors That Will Amaze All!
Lime Lights- Lime Green That Fades to Bright Blue
Sea Scapes- Blue Green That Fades to Deep Purple
Each is sold in a 4 ounce jar for $17.95, just $.16/gram.

Innate also sells Xotic Colours brand Illusion Pearls, 12 grams each for $99.95 = $8.33/gram or a 3 gram-each-Sample set for $99.00 = $/gram
Ocean Teal- Green/Blue
Golden Jade- Gold/Green
Sunset Maple- Red/Green
Purple Sapphire- Purple/Blue...

Also from Innate, Xotic Colours Mirage Flakes. 1 ounce, $88.95 = $3.18/gram
Gold to Silver
Red to Gold
Blue to Red
Green to Purple

Pearl Magic Custom Paints
The next store I have for you is Pearl Magic Custom Paints, the only one on this list that is located in Australia. They sell 2 chameleon colors, Green-Gold and Yellow-Green, particle size unknown.
25 gram package is $16.50, $.66/gram.
100 gram package is $39.95, $.40/gram.

Solar Color Dust
Newly discovered as a source of "chameleon pigments" is Solar Color Dust. They have a range of color shifting pigments, all priced the same at 10 grams for $15.00 = $1.50/gram

6 pigments shift to 4 different colors and are listed as "The Four Color Series"

The "Two Color Series" have 14 pigments and all of these are in stock.
Orange Yellow/Violet Blue
Blue Green/Orange Yellow
Gold/Blue Violet
Red/Blue Green
Blue Violet/Olive
Red/Blue Violet
Violet/Blue Green
Olive/Red (Pearl)

The newest series is the "Ghost Chameleons" of which there are 4.

You can view my swatches of the Four and Two series chameleons here and here.

Didspade Metal Flake Co
Another source is Didspade Metal Flake Co. This brand of pigments can be found on eBay in North America but none of the sellers have a lot of feedback and each has negative so their rating is low. You can buy from Didspade themselves and at the same price so those are the links I'm using here. They sell 5 gram sample sizes for $5.80.

The C series sell for $28.99 for 25g = $1.16/gram
C1 Yellow/Blue/Purp/Green
C10 Orange/Red/Gold/Green
C11 Lavender/Blue/Purple/Orange
C12 Red/Bluish-Green
C13 Yellow/Green/Purp/Blue
C14 Red/Green/Purp
C2 Greenish-Yellow/Blue/Purp
C3 Purp/Orange/Yellow/Blue
C4 Copper/Yellow/Gold/Green/Blue
C5 Red/Green/Blue/Purp
C6 Purp/Blue/Green
C7 Green/Gold/Purp/Blue
C8 Red/Orange/Green/Purp
C9 Red/Orange/Green/Pink 

The CX series sell for $28.99 for 25g = $1.16/gram
CX30 Blue/Green
CX31 Gold/Green/Blue
CX32 Purp/Violet/Reddish-Gold
CX33 Reddish-Purp/Yellow-Gold
CX34 Royal/Purp
CX35 Aqua/Green/Gold
CX36 Purp/Navy/Green
CX37 Red/Purp/Blue
CX38 Rose/Golden Orange
CX39 Orange/Gold/Rose
CX40 Gold/Green

The Epic Chameleons sell for $28.99 for 25g = $1.16/gram

Spectraflair4u is a store located on Store Envy that sells ChromaFlair pigments and SpectraFlair pre-dispersed and concentrated in suspension base. Price varies by quantity.

Chromaflair - 1 gram pre-dispersed $14.50, 2 grams pre-dispersed $29.00 = $14.50/gram, 10 grams pre-dispersed $135.00 = $13.50/gram.

Ultra Chameleon Chromes 1 gram pre-dispersed $17.00, 2 grams pre-dispersed $34.00 = $17.00/gram, 10 grams pre-dispersed $160.00 = $16.00/gram
Wine Red/Copper/Gold

Chameleon Pigments $5.00-$14.25 for 5 grams  $1.00/gram-$2.85/gram
Dk. Indigo/Purple/Red/Orange
Sparkle Red/Purple/Blue

Chameleon Glitters $20.00 each  for 3 colors = $4.00/gram, $30.00 for KonFusion brand Blue/Green. 5 grams = $6.00/gram
Konfusion Blue/Green 

DipYourCar sells a variety of chameleons, divided into sections. Some of these are the pigments PaintWithPearl sells matches of.

Chameleon Pearls, 10 colors, 25 grams, $29.00 = $1.16/gram

Color-Flip Pearls 5 colors, 25 grams, $29.00 = $1.16/gram
Aqua Violet
Iris Violet
Olive Blueberry

Alien Pearls 4 colors, $33.80 25 grams = $1.35/gram

Midnight Flip Pearls 5 colors, 25 grams, $29.00 = $1.16/gram

Color Shifting Flakes, $9.50, 25 grams, 2 colors = $0.38/gram
Caribbean Blue/Green

DipOhio seems to sell several of the same colors as DipYourCar above. These are sold under...

Chameleon Pearls $5.80 for 5 grams = $1.16/gram, $29.00 for 25 grams = $1.16/gram
Caribbean Blue/Green

Color Shifting Flakes $1.80 for 5 grams = $0.36/gram, $9.50 for 25 grams = $0.38/gram
Caribbean Blue/Green

Custom Painting Pearls
Custom Painting Pearls has a pretty good array of chameleon/kameleon pigments.  Prices range from $9.99-$13.99  = $0.40/gram-$0.56/gram for the more simple color shifters up to $25.99-$28.99 = $1.04/gram-$1.16/gram for the more complex ones. All are sold in 25 gram bags.
Anaconda Chameleon Pearl
Blue-Purple-Red Chameleon
Carribean Blue/Green Pearl
Copperhead Fire Chameleon Pearl
Diamondback Chameleon Pearl
Green-Gold Pearl
Green-Gold-Blue Chameleon
Midnight Red-Midnight Blue Pearl
Orangeish/Bronze-Green Pearl
Pink-Gold Pearl
Purple Viper Haze Chameleon Pearl
Python Chameleon Pearl
Rattlesnake Chameleon Pearl
Red-Green Chameleon Pearl
Violet-Green Pearl
Yellow-Green Pearl

The seller (by username) on Ebay, oldsparkle55, sells a few chameleon pigments, not named anything I can match up with another company. (this is the ebay store of Custom Painting Pearls). Price and quantity varies but its worth checking out.

The store KolorEfx on eBay has a few more selections for you. Listed as Chameleons, prices are in my opinion a little high but... 5 grams, $7.25 = $1.45/gram , 25 grams $36.00  = $1.44/gram, 75 grams $100.00 = $1.33/gram .
Lunar Storm (Blue-green/blue/violet/red)
Morpheus (blue/violet/red/orange)
Aurora (Violet-blue/violet/red/orange-yellow)
Solar Flare (mauve/red/orange/yellow)
Sunkiss (red/orange/yellow/yellow-green)
Indigo Star (Blue/Violet)
Gaia (Green/Blue)

Cosmetic & Other Duochrome Pigment Suppliers
This section includes all cosmetic pigments/shadows and where you can buy them but people's ideas of "duochrome" vary so much that unless I own them or someone else does and reviews them, I can't say for certain that they do indeed have color shifting properties. Like all shopping online, you make the decision to buy based on a picture and a description but the accuracy of these greatly varies as well. I think if a company wants to sell me on it, they better show me the color shift in transition. That being said, here's what I've gathered so far.

TKB Trading
As far as I'm concerned TKB Trading was already tops in the duochrome category because of the Travel to pigments, or the Planetary Sampler as the set is called but with the addition of the Star Bites and Moon Dusts, I don't know who else can compete with the selection.

In the Star Bite Collection are three colors, Shanika Sun, Marinda Star and Cherika Moon- larger particle size, about 100-260 microns. They can be purchased as samples and 1 oz sizes, individually or in sets. Their description reads:
Shanika Sun shifts from gold to green to blue
Marinda Star shifts from red to orange to yellow
Cherika Moon shifts blue to purple to red orange.

2.5 gram samples of all 3 are $6.00, $2.95 individually  = $1.18/gram.
1 oz bags are $15.00 each ($.54/gram) or $35.00 as a set- $.41/gram.

If you want a better idea of the duochrome, Kitties26 of More Nail Polish showed us the Star Bites fantastic color shifting with her Duochrome Top Coats #2#3 and #4.

The Moon Dust Collection has five colors: Aisha Gold, Crescent Crimson, Indu Rose, Lavender Luz, and Luna Blue. The particle size is finer and thus less sparkly than the Star Bites. They can be purchased as samples and 1 oz sizes, individually or in sets.
Their description reads:
Aisha Gold shifts from gold to green to blue
Crescent Crimson shifts from red to orange to yellow
Indu Rose shifts indigo to purple to red
Lavender Luz shifts from blue to purple to orange
Luna Blue shifts from cyan to blue to red

Samples, 2.5g, are $2.95 individually, a set of five for $12.00.
1 oz bags are $15.00 each ($.53/gram) or $59.00 as a set- $.42/gram.

Kitties26 showed us these as well in her entries Custom polishes - Moondust TKB pigments Part 1 and Custom polishes - Moondust TKB pigments Part 2. The lady always posts great swatches and as we all know, others' swatches can be the deciding factor to buy or not.

Finally and more familiar to most of us is the Planetary Sampler which contains the seven Travel to pigments Mercury, Mars, Earth, Venus, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto. Like the sets above, they can be purchased as samples and 1 oz sizes, individually or in sets. Their description reads:
Travel to Mercury: Shifts from red-gold to bronze
Travel to Mars: Shifts from red to copper to gold
Travel to Earth: Shifts from light green to rose
Travel to Venus: Shifts from lilac to red to silver to green-blue
Travel to Neptune: Shifts from turquoise to blue to violet
Travel to Jupiter: Shifts from gold-green to silver-green to blue
Travel to Pluto: Shifts from silver-green to silver-red to green-gold

These pigments are less expensive than the others. Purchased in a set, 1 ounce is $12.00 versus $14.00 ($.50/gram) if purchased separately. The set is $85.00, bringing the price down to $.43 per gram. Samples are $1.50 each or $9.00 as a set.

If you haven't already seen these as swatches, you can view mine here dry and in polish here.

The Conservatorie
The Travel to(s) were a nice segue away from TKB Trading because The Conservatorie also sells these pigments (with original manufacturer names). They are not sold in sets but are priced $33.95 for 100 grams, $0.34/gram or $1.45 for a sample.
Indian Summer (Mercury)  At this time only the sample is available.
Volcanic Fire (Mars) Out of Stock
Kiwi Rose (Earth)
Magic Mauve (Venus)
Caribbean Blue (Neptune) At this time only the sample is available.
Nordic Sunset (Pluto)
Golden Sky (Jupiter)

Pure Luxe Cosmetics
Pure Luxe Cosmetics also sells the Travel to pigments but under different names, in smaller quantities and under the name of the Kaleidoscope Collection (but not sold as a set). I am making the correlation here between the Travel to's and these based on Pure Luxe pictures/descriptions and the Travel to(s) I own. 1/8 teaspoon = 1 scoop. 1 scoop is $2.00, 2 scoops $3.00, 3 scoops $4.00, 5 gram volume jar $8.00, 10 gram vol. jar $14.00
Visions (Mercury)
Faceted (Mars)
Luster (Earth)
Prismatic (Venus)
Mirage (Neptune)
Illusion (Pluto)
Oasis (Jupiter)

Does Fyrinnae qualify for a indie company? At any rate, though I have never purchased anything from the company, it is my understanding that Fyrinnae has a rather expansive line of color shifting eyeshadows under the collection name of Arcane MagicThe website shows 18 colors currently, with pictures and descriptions. $6.80 each for a full size jar containing 3 grams.

Glitter Unique 
Glitter Unique also sells a selection of duochrome pigments. At the moment there are 7 colors, green to blue, violet to gold, violet to blue, red to violet to blue, purple-blue-red, red-green flip, and green to blue to purple.
green to blue, samples are $8.50, 1/2 oz- $18.00 = $1.29/gram, 1 oz- $28.00 = $1.00/gram
violet to gold, samples are $8.50, 1/2 oz- $18.00 = $1.29/gram
violet to blue, samples are $8.50, 1/2 oz- $18.00 = $1.29/gram
red to violet to blue, samples are $7.50, 1/2 oz- $17.00 = $1.21/gram, 1 oz- $27.00 = $0.96/gram.
red-green flip, 1 oz- $17.00 = $0.61/gram
green to blue to purple, samples are $7.00, 1/2 oz- $15.00 = $1.07/gram, 1 oz- $25.00 = $0.89/gram. Only samples available.
purple-blue-red, samples are $5.00, 1/2 oz- $12.00 = $0.86/gram, 1 oz- $20.00 = $0.71/gram.

Mon Ennui Cosmetics
Mon Ennui Cosmetics sells 12 different colors between $10.00 and $15.00, no package size listed.
They do accept Paypal

Misfits on 8th
Misfits on 8th sells a small selection of duochrome pigments- only one right now.
Blue/Green/Purple, 1/2 oz, $13.50 = $0.96/gram

Riley's Rods
Riley's Rods actually sells pigment for, you guessed it, fishing lures but they also happen to sell "Color Change Paints" in six colors, Green to GoldGreen to Light GreenGreen to Purple, Blue to Green, Brown to Green and Blue to Purple. Sold in 1/4 jars, 5 grams of powder for $9.00 = $1.80/gram.

Frank and Shine Designs
Frank and Shine Designs small selection of "colour change" pigments, 4 at the moment.

Vanti 805, on etsy
Vanti 805, a seller on etsy, sells a variety of franken polish products, most important to this are the multichromes. The colors are: 
$4.75 for 5 grams or $13.00 for 1/2 ounce. Also available: $22.00 per ounce.

The Nail Shop
The Nail Shop is an Australian supplier of "Wholesale nail products for nail technicians, educators, salons and students.". I don't have an account, I've never ordered from here but I'm going to include it for you aussie readers. 
5 gram pots of Chameleon pigments, 5 colors, sold individually or as a set.

MandaMakes, UK seller on etsy
MandaMakes has a selection of 4 duochrome colors, sold as 1 gram, 5 gram or 20 grams.
1. red-violet-blue
2. lilac-blue-green
3. green-golden-red
4. golden-bronze-purple

This entry will be updated periodically as new sources are found. -MK

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Anna's Art Asylum Now Closed

Anna's Art Asylum was one of my favorite stores on eBay to get fantastic (and different) duochrome pigments. These pigments were featured on my blog and many others as well and they were still on my wish list to acquire more but unfortunately for me and everyone else, Anna has closed her store permanently. She had sold out of many of them so this was for the best but I am sorry to see the store closed.

Best of Wishes to you, Ms. Anna.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Walgreens Sale & Klean Color Polishes

This will not be a major post, more like a "heads up".

The highlight of my day yesterday, my week really, was a trip to my local Walgreens to pick up prescriptions and look at nail polish- as most of you know, Walgreens is good for Sinful Colors, the typical drugstore brands and the occasional limited edition/exclusive. I picked up a few Sinfuls from recent displays (Karen at Frazzle and Aniploish is always good for showing us these), two Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear polishes because Walgreens had a Buy One Get One Free deal on them and that was all I found until my husband and I walked past this giant bin of Klean Color polishes. Unfortunately these were just thrown in a bin about a foot deep by three feet wide but that didn't deter me from digging around although I would have liked to transfer handfuls to another basket so I could dig more efficiently. Hubby gratefully went to wait in the car, having indulged my polish browsing for long enough.

I left the store with 22 new colors and some extras for frankening if the mood ever strikes me. I've never seen any Klean Color polishes in a retail store but I freely admit I don't get out much. Since I moved in May but my father didn't, I now get to hit two different Walgreens but I don't know if the other one, or indeed any other Walgreens, has this same bin but it could be worth checking out.

A side note, inventory at one my local Dollar Trees rolled over again and I found some Milani and Maybelline polishes there, again for $1.00, along with the usual assortment of generic brands and L.A. Colors.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Coastal Scents Sale

Coastal Scents is having a big sale- every pigment/mica and glitter in their "Make Your Own" section is discounted 40%. If you were looking to buy, now may be the time. -MK

Friday, July 11, 2014

Orly Ingenue

My sister and I are going out tonight to see a fabulous concert- Sarah McLachlan which will be the second time we've seen her together so I'm looking forward to both a good show and a good night. I've been trying to get in the habit of painting my nails, taking my time with thinner, even coats and this seemed like another good occasion to do so with Orly Ingenue, previously unused. I touched up my hair color again too but I probably won't include a lot of pics of that.

For my nails, the photos were taken under a variety of lighting and from differing angles.

I bought this polish on impulse because of its golden glow and it certainly did not disappoint. I was also happy with the trouble-free application and shorter drying time.

For hair color, you get one picture because I hate my photographs. I am pleased to say that switching to a sulfate free shampoo and adding some weightless Argan Oil spray has allowed my hair to be less fuzzy and I'm sure cutting a couple inches helped as well. This was a refresher of Jerome Russell Punky Colour Poppy Red with a touch of Vermilion.

Have a good afternoon and evening, everyone! I'm out of here. -MK

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pure Ice Lucky Charming

Saturday was another sister day so once again I decided to paint my nails, far from the professional job my sister has done of course but it makes me happy just the same. Saturday's pick was Pure Ice Lucky Charming, a newer sparkly green that has been gathering dust in my collection for a few months even though it really grabbed me in store. Although I provided my own bottle shot, Lucky Charming next to my own franken #469 Chrysocolla, the pic doesn't do the color justice. I would call it a yellow-leaning green with a very beautiful gold shimmer. The finish is super sparkly and nearly metallic, that's my opinion but judge for yourself.

I used Chrysocolla as a topper, 2 coats and it turned out to be the perfect compliment, allowing Lucky Charming to shine through but also adding extra sparkle and a bit of a duochrome effect.

This one scores high on my list (my very short list) of polishes I have the patience for because it dried pretty fast and I was able to get away with only two coats. I could have used a third of course but two provided sufficient coverage. I was also rather proud of my paint job- the gap between the polish and the cuticle is uneven but I didn't flood my cuticle and the sides of my nails because I was practicing applying thinner coats... That sentence got wordy fast. Whatever, the point is I did a better job than I usually do and I was happy enough I took a boatload of photos.

Indoors photos first. 


And some outside shots, this time in the shade.


And in the sun.


I did something else fun this weekend too- I dyed my hair with a red semi permanent dye, Poppy Red (Jerome Russell, Punky Color) over my permanent current red, Vidal Sassoon Runway Red, London Luxe line. The Runway Red was hubby's pick, unnaturally vivid red but evidently that was a good thing because Poppy Red ended up this bright without my having to bleach my hair. It smelled a heck of a lot better than any permanent hair dye I've used too. The best part is it will eventually wash out so no harm in playing around with some color.

 It's going to rain here soon so enjoy the sun when you have it. -MK

Saturday, June 14, 2014

China Glaze Prism

By now its obvious that, despite my frankening hobby, I don't pay much attention to my nails- I like the look of nicely polished nails but not the time involved in doing it  (I do paint them slightly more often than it looks like here but usually my photos leave a lot to be desired so I forego posting). Today though I decided to make an exception on both counts because in a matter of hours my sister and I will be going out for some much needed girl time and I like to dress up a bit when we do. She also has her nails done (professionally) on these occasions so my bare nails just didn't seem like much fun!

I chose China Glaze Prism from the Prismatic Chroma Glitters collection figuring that sheer polish would be more forgiving to my messier paint jobs- read that as less obvious, and I was right. I was also happy to discover that it dried fast which means I have far less time to screw it up, at least until I smack a nail on something and take a chunk off. The only issue I had was some difficulty covering the sides of my nails, a problem I always have but my bottle being a little thick didn't help; I could've remedied that with thinner but like my polish remover, its downstairs and inaccessible momentarily.

On to the pictures, try not to shudder. I could have digitally cleaned the photos up since I haven't been able to do it in real life just yet but that would be false representation of my skill. I will say that I didn't do this polish justice so if you haven't ever seen it in real life or worn it, please do a Google search for swatches. Lucky for me, it does look better in real life. Note to self: keep the tripod handy, one-handed shots don't work.

2 or 3 coats, no top coat yet.

As always, thanks for taking the time to visit me and read this. -MK

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

At Home with the Dollar Tree

Since I know I didn't reply to every one of you for your comments and well wishes about the house, I want to extend a sincere THANK YOU. It was nice to be able to share the news and read your thoughts on the process and it did quite a bit to make me feel better. -MK

At the moment I am undecided if I'll even post this entry so I'm just going to write it the way I really want to. There are so many little details I want to share with someone, even if they seem silly or mundane.

We've been here just over a month and I've been extremely busy with all things house related so there hadn't been much idle time for my polish hobby. I did buy a few drugstore polishes and thought about mixing them up with some of the Solar Color Dust pigments I'd purchased in February(?) but the supplies were already packed so that idea was rejected. Instead I spent the entire month of April packing the apartment while waiting impatiently for the closing on April 30th. The month of May had been spent just enjoying the house and settling in.

We moved the same weekend we closed and like most people do, I found that I was moving out of the apartment with far more stuff than I moved in with and wondered how we had it all in the place. The high point was that my two sons, going on 15 and 17, were a great help and worked together to unload the truck themselves the second day, truly impressing to us. The low point would have been transporting my 4 cats to the new house the night before and having to leave them here alone; I think I suffered as much separation anxiety as they did. I swear I am not the crazy cat lady, not yet anyway, all 4 were strays and I think 4 is my limit- that's more than enough kitty litter that ends up on the floor.

I am excited enough about finally having a house that I had the majority of the boxes unpacked and put away within a day and few key decor items distributed around the house. Momentarily it's rather plain but also pleasant because having lived in a crowded, cluttered apartment for 8 years, I find myself extremely reluctant to display all my decorative items. Most have been relegated to my basement "studio" but more about that later. I've got a thousand decorating ideas flying through my head and thought I'd share a few here, things I've done with supplies I owned already and a few more purchased from the Dollar Tree. Bear in mind I am not a professional decorator or Martha Stewart but I know what I like and what works for me. Yes, this entry probably should be posted somewhere else but I have only the one blog.

I love my kitchen with it's oak colored cabinets, carved wood trim, granite counter tops and stone-look (I say "stone look" because I have no idea what it is) back splashes accented with diamonds of the same granite but the knobs were plain old black and I wanted to add something to it all. Years ago, I caught a segment of a decorating show and I remember the host saying that you can change the look of your kitchen just by changing the hardware on your cabinets and I thought that was a fine idea. Rather than going out and buying different hardware, I utilized things I already owned, in this case nail polish, glitter and pigments.

The granite in the counters is black with silvery white flecks with hints of red so that's what I decided to play off of. I made a very simple mixture of a now-discontinued .008" Sterling Silver glitter I bought from Coastal Scents several years ago, TKB Trading's Siren Red pigment and clear polish, testing it a few times on one of the knobs until I figured out less glitter and more pigment looked better. It took me about an hour to paint them all and the end result I thought was nicely understated and went well with the counters.

My basement is finished (meaning completely painted, tiled floor and entirely functional) and I have turned that space into my "studio"/decor-display area. While it's nice having a place to stash all of my craft supplies (I had no idea I had that much stuff until I saw it lined up against the wall), I still don't have a table or desk to work at so I starting thinking about what I could improvise with and minimize further spending. What I came up with, utilizing the polish drawers I own that already take up space, was to make a work table out of a hollow-core interior door, $20 at Home Depot. I don't actually have the door yet so I can't show you pictures but with the addition of a chair (I don't have one of those either),  I can see it being a fairly spacious area to work in if I arranged things right.

In my former apartment, jewelry was stored in different places around the house because the drawers of my free standing jewelry box were filled with other junk while my earring collection was deferred to the half bath where it occupied two walls (earrings falling off into the litter box was a definite hazard). Here in my house, I was able to create a central location for all my jewelry in the corner of my bedroom.

Since the jewelry box itself was offset in the corner, I had to anchor the mirror ($1.00 from Dollar Tree) that way as well. I tried velcro first but it didn't make enough contact with the walls to hold so I used a hot glue gun to glue pieces of ribbon to the sides and pinned it there with tacks, holes but minimal and small. The cherry blossom wall stickers I also got from the Dollar Tree, colored with paint markers (they were silver) and added as the first accent around the mirror. The other flowers on the ends of the branches I cut from a wallpaper sample, if I decide to include them when I take pictures. Up close it somehow irritates me but from a little farther away its a nice effect.

To keep the earrings organized and all together, I had to make new hangers and find a way to put them on the wall without making holes. The original version was made with rubbery shelf liner (Dollar Tree, $1.00) sandwiched between a cardboard frame with Elmers Glue and was then nailed to the wall all the way around for support, not pretty but functional. For the second version, I used foam board from Dollar Tree, cutting out the center so the frame is one solid piece and sandwiched the gripper stuff between the two with a combination of Elmers Glue and hot glue at key points. To hang them without making any holes, I used velcro strips (purchased from Walmart, maybe the only thing in the store made in the U.S.A.) all around the frames and stuck them on the wall that way.

I may never own a crystal chandelier but I enjoyed looking at them when we were at Home Depot recently and while Hubby shot me down on buying one (I'm still enjoying giving him a hard time about it) and I left without the chandelier, I also left with a few ideas to make one, or at least the effect of one. Fortunately for me, my bedroom came with a brass and glass light fixture in the ceiling that is also partially magnetic so I used magnets, metal Christmas ornament hooks and several cheap "Grad" necklaces from, you guessed it, the Dollar Tree, to create one.

Along with the grad necklaces, I've also picked up quite a few green and blues, also Dollar Tree merchandise. I've found uses for them as well- the blue and green grace my kitchen light fixture.

The kitchen "chandelier" is the second version, this time with a combination of velcro around the base of the fixture and aluminum jumprings instead of magnets. It's not sparkly like a traditional chandelier but its interesting and also pulled some more blues and greens into the room.

Those same blue beads helped decorate my formerly silver and white lamp in the living room, along with some rhinestones and blue and clear beads that came off Christmas ornaments I bought from Dollar Tree a couple years ago.

My final contribution for the day and to this entry was the hoop I made to suspend some ornaments from, based on the same idea as a chime (I own many as examples, all lined up by the sliding doors). This way I could hang multiple things from the ceiling from one hook and avoid having to make individual holes. I made this with craft wire from the Dollar Tree as the base wrapped with electrical tape, wrapped again with cloth ribbon and sealed with Mod Podge for rigidness and two more strands of craft wire wound around in opposite directions for more support. Fishing line was used to suspend it from the hook and to hang the ornaments from it. I should have also said that the hoop is rather large so it was easier for me to make something than look for something to buy that was pre-made.

 That was fun for me, I hope you got some entertainment value out of it too. Thanks for reading!

Also, since I know I didn't reply to every one of you for your comments and well wishes about the house, I want to extend a sincere THANK YOU. It was nice to be able to share the news and read your thoughts on the process and it did quite a bit to make me feel better. -MK